并发算法与理论(Concurrency: Algorithms and Theories)
时间:周二1-2节,8:00am - 9:50am
在线教学:腾讯会议 452 9165 8016
Lecture Notes
- [09/06]: Overview (notes).
- [09/13]: The happens-before memory model and Java memory model (notes).
- [09/20]: Basic operational semantics for concurrency (notes).
- [09/27]: Declarative semantics for concurrency (notes).
- [10/04]: Declarative semantics for concurrency (continued).
- [10/11]: The C/C++11 memory model (notes), and a promising solution to OOTA (notes). Try the online interactive tool CppMem for fun.
- [10/18]: A promising solution to OOTA (continued).
- [10/25]: A promising solution to OOTA (continued). Concurrent objects (notes). Also see the explanation on safety and liveness (notes).
- [11/01]: Concurrent objects (continued).
- [11/08]: Concurrent objects (continued). Linked lists (notes).
- [11/15]: Linked lists (continued).
- [11/22]: Linked lists (continued). Concurrent queues and stacks (notes).
- [11/29]: Concurrent queues and stacks (continued).
- [12/06]: Concurrent queues and stacks (continued).
- [12/13]: Relative power of synchronization operations (notes).
Submission guidelines:
- Please email to TA<yinfenglin@smail.nju.edu.cn>.
- Your answers can be in either Chinese or English.
- Late submissions are not accepted (unless special reasons provided).
Course Report
Please read one or more papers in the reading list, and write a report about your understanding of the paper(s). Email your report to TA<yinfenglin@smail.nju.edu.cn>.
Due by 23:59pm, 12/31.