并发算法与理论(Concurrency: Algorithms and Theories)
时间:周二1-2节,8:00am - 9:50am
Lecture Notes
- [09/05]: Introduction (notes). Also see the explanation on safety and liveness (notes).
- [09/12]: Mutual exclusion (notes).
- [09/19]: Mutual exclusion (continued). Concurrent objects (notes).
- [09/26]: Concurrent objects (continued).
- [10/10]: Concurrent objects (continued). Relative power of synchronization operations (notes).
- [10/17]: Relative power of synchronization operations (continued). Spin locks and contention (notes).
- [10/24]: Spin locks and contention (continued).
- [10/31]: Linked lists (notes).
- [11/07]: Linked lists (continued).
- [11/14]: Linked lists (continued). Concurrent queues and stacks (notes).
- [11/21]: Concurrent queues and stacks (continued).
- [11/28]: Concurrent queues and stacks (continued). Review of concurrent algorithms (notes). The happens-before memory model and Java memory model (notes).
- [12/05]: The happens-before memory model and Java memory model (continued).
- [12/12]: Basic operational semantics for concurrency (notes).
- [12/19]: Declarative semantics for concurrency (notes).
- [12/26]: Declarative semantics for concurrency (continued). The C/C++11 memory model (notes). Try the online interactive tool CppMem for fun.
- [09/26]: Exercises 14, 15,
27 and 32.
Due by 23:59pm, 10/10.
- [11/14]: Exercises 69, 71,
109 and
Due by 23:59pm, 11/28.
Submission guidelines:
- Please email to TA<yinfenglin@smail.nju.edu.cn>.
- Your answers can be in either Chinese or English. They should be submitted in pdf.
- Late submissions are not accepted (unless special reasons provided).
Course Report
- Please read one or more papers in the reading list, and write a report about your understanding of the paper(s).
- Your report should be in Chinese, and submitted in pdf. There is no restriction on the number of words. Please indicate your name and student ID on the first page of your report.
- Email your report to TA<yinfenglin@smail.nju.edu.cn>.
- Due by 23:59pm, 12/31. Late submissions are not accepted.